Sweet Pepper
Our sweet pepper portfolio offers seeds that produce fruits in almost every colour and shape. Growers will be pleased with our range of blocky varieties that are suitable for nethouses and polyhouses. These varieties have been meticulously bred to trhive our Indian growing conditions, ensuring optimal yield and quality. Tailored to meet the specific demands of the Indian market, our sweet peppers deliver both performance and appeal, making them an ideal choice for commercial cultivation.
Blocky | Sweet
Blocky | Sweet
Dulce Italiano | Sweet
Dulce Italiano | Sweet
Blocky | Sweet
Blocky | Sweet
Blocky | Sweet
Blocky | Sweet
Blocky | Sweet
Blocky | Sweet
Blocky | Sweet
Blocky | Sweet
Dulce Italiano | Sweet
Dulce Italiano | Sweet
Dulce Italiano | Sweet
Dulce Italiano | Sweet